The gong rang for Enerjisa at Stock Exchange Istanbul
Enerjisa Enerji, being the pioneering and the exemplary company of Turkey started trading on Stock Exchange Istanbul as of February 8, 2018. Following the gong ceremony, Enerjisa Enerji, which went public with 20% of its shares through an IPO that has gone down in the history as the largest initial public offering of the private sector in Turkey and in which domestic and foreign investors showed great interest, started trading with ENJSA code.
The IPO of Turkey's leading energy company Enerjisa Enerji is completed by a historic record. Due to the public offering of Enerjisa Enerji, Energy Minister Berat Albayrak, Sabancı Holding Chairman Güler Sabancı and E.ON CEO Johannes Teyssen, Sabancı Holding CEO Mehmet Göçmen and Enerjisa CEO Kıvanç Zaimler and Stock Exchange Istanbul Chairman Himmet Karadağ participated in the gong ceremony which was held in Stock Exchange Istanbul. Enerjisa Enerji, which has gone public with 20% of its shares by the consortium leadership of Ak Investment.
The largest initial public offering of the private sector in Turkey
4,8 times more demand was received for the IPO which has attracted great interest from strong domestic and foreign investors covering global investment companies such as Blackrock, Fidelity Management & Research, and Moon Capital as well. At the IPO for 20 % shares of E.ON and Sabancı Holding being the shareholders of Enerjisa Enerji, the total market value of the company was TL 7 billion 380 million. With this market value, Enerjisa Enerji has shattered a record with the largest private sector IPO held in Turkey.